
Progress on our women led community gardens

Progress on our women led community gardens

Women are the real architects of society. The establishment of these women led community gardens with solar powered boreholes are our way of acknowledging women for their extraordinary contributions to society, remarkable triumphs and unmatched fearlessness. #InvestInWomen...

Press Release

4-H ZIMBABWE AWARDED THE NGO OF THE YEAR AWARD FOR THE PRESTIGIOUS 2022 INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND SPORT AWARD IN MONACO Contact: John Muchenje +263773 437 265 jmuchenje@mashvee FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MONACO – 01 December 2022: 4-H Zimbabwe Foundation A youth led organisation working with sport to promote peace and transform...
Presenting the International Peace and Sport Award to Party Presidents in Zimbabwe.

Presenting the International Peace and Sport Award to Party Presidents in Zimbabwe.

Presenting the International Peace Award from peace and sport to the Presidents from 6 political parties that are part of our peace building initiative supported by the government of Switzerland. The political parties include FEEZ, LEAD, NCA, MDC, ZANU PF and CCC. It was such an honor to present our...
Pregnant 14year old Machaya dies while receiving prayers at Johanne Marange church

Pregnant 14year old Machaya dies while receiving prayers at Johanne Marange church

A 14-year-old girl died last week while giving birth at a shrine in Bocha, Mutare. Relatives of the late Memory Machaya are yet to come to terms with the way they were treated at Johanne Marange church where Memory was receiving prayers. Family spokesperson Alice Mabika told H-Metro that Memory’s...
Power of Sport – Tool for Education

Power of Sport – Tool for Education

Sport plays an important EDUCATIONAL role on information dissemination - reducing social tensions and conflicts, promote cooperation, social inclusion, mutual understanding and tolerance at the community and national level by addressing the sources of exclusion and providing an alternative entry point into the social and economic life of communities. 4-H...
Planting trees at Oldbury Primary School

Planting trees at Oldbury Primary School

Tree planting at Oldbury Primary school in Mazowe District for tree planting day. The school children planted 100 gum trees in the school compound and took some home. Trees are vital and important for climate amelioration! Decisions we make to impact generations to come - plant a tree!  ...
Planning of the Peace Pledge and the Youth in Politics Charter on Peace in the electoral processes with Party leaders.

Planning of the Peace Pledge and the Youth in Politics Charter on Peace in the electoral processes with Party leaders.

Youth leaders from different Political Parties have met to make amendments on the Peace Pledge and the Youth in Politics Charter on Peace in the Electoral Processes. The youth leaders have accepted and acknowledged the two and have promised to be a part of the endorsement and signing of the...
Pfumvudza/ Intwasa Awards 2021 are to be also held at Bulilima District in Matebeleland South on the 5th of June.

Pfumvudza/ Intwasa Awards 2021 are to be also held at Bulilima District in Matebeleland South on the 5th of June.

4-H Zimbabwe Young Women in Agriculture Pfumvudza/ Intwasa Awards 2021 to be held at Bulilima District in Matebeleland South on the 5th of June...
Peace day commemorations to take place in Bulawayo tomorrow.

Peace day commemorations to take place in Bulawayo tomorrow.

Tommorow we'll be commemorating #InternationalDayOfPeace through peace dialogues amongst youth from different political affiliations. "Youth promoting peace and tolerance in Zimbabwe." The organization will then later on host a sporting event at Iminyela grounds in Bulawayo in pursuit to promote peace through sport amongst young people in the country...
Peace and tolerance in Zimbabwe

Peace and tolerance in Zimbabwe

Talk about a Zimbabwe where people with different political views accommodate each other and share jokes despite their   Our conflict resolution management trainings under the project:Youth as agents for peace and tolerance in Zimbabwe has been been very meaningful...
PARTSON ZINDI , Youth in Agriculture!

PARTSON ZINDI , Youth in Agriculture!

Partson Zindi Age: 25 Province: Mash East Founder AgroKings (Pvt) Limited a firm which specializes in the farming, procurement, selling & distribution of agricultural produce .He is also the Chairperson of a movement called Association of Youths in Agriculture...
Partnering with artist Greatman music in a bid to use music as a tool to promote peace.

Partnering with artist Greatman music in a bid to use music as a tool to promote peace.

4-H Zimbabwe has engaged Greatman music as a peace ambassador for the organisation. The inclusion of People with disabilities (PWDs) is very essential in the peace building processes as they are representation is usually low. Greatman is set to produce a music video encouraging young people to be peaceful and...
Parties embrace and sign Peace Pledge in Masvingo

Parties embrace and sign Peace Pledge in Masvingo

oming elections and respect the outcomes of the elections,” said Sibanda.Youths who participated in the pledge were drawn from the 11 political parties participating in the August 23 election.4 H Zimbabwe Foundation Director John Muchenje said the purpose of the meeting was to bring the youth together and encourage them...

Outstanding youth in mining, Tanyaradzwa Makotore making waves.

MSU Engineering and Geosciences Students Launch Mining Safety Campaign Led by Tanyaradzwa Makotore, a third-year, second semester (level 3:2) student studying Metallurgical Engineering, students from Midlands State University’s Faculty of Engineering and Geosciences in Zvishavane, recently launched a Mining Safety Campaign.  ...
Our Youth, Our Future !!!

Our Youth, Our Future !!!

Congratulations Takudzwanashe Samhembere...
Our #Youth4Peace #Youth4Sport event aiming to promote peace and political tolerance amongst our youth was to very successful.

Our #Youth4Peace #Youth4Sport event aiming to promote peace and political tolerance amongst our youth was to very successful.

A look into yesterday`s event that unified our Zimbabwean youth despite their various social and political affiliations. Slide 4 of 4 - Carousel              ...
One of our youth takes a stand against Covid-19

One of our youth takes a stand against Covid-19

4-H Zimbabwe outstanding youth in innovation , Grace Anne Ndlovu (22) , last week played her part ,together with her colleague in the fight against Covid-19 by donating 1000 litres of hydrogen peroxide , a disinfectant to the Bulawayo City Council.    ...