
Using sport for development.

Using sport for development.

Using sport to promote junior development, encourage peace amongst young people, raising drug abuse awareness and to uplift communities. 4-H Zimbabwe in partnership with ZIFA Ministry of Youth, Sport, Arts and and Power 11 Academy is aiming to use sport as a way to career guide young people at a...
Using sport as a tool for the mental and physical well-being of inmates in prisons.

Using sport as a tool for the mental and physical well-being of inmates in prisons.

4-H Zimbabwe has handed over soccer balls to Chikurubi Maximum Prison in pursuit to keep the inmates entertained and physically fit. Some of the balls will be used by inmates in the psychiatric unit in order to meliorate their condition. The organization has in the past used sports as an...
Using Biogas as a mitigatory measure against climate change

Using Biogas as a mitigatory measure against climate change

The use of biogas as a mitigatory measure against deforestation and climate change in rural areas is a highly recommended method for cooking and lighting. This method saves time and energy for people relying on firewood for fuel...
Update: Hurungwe community gardens

Update: Hurungwe community gardens

Progress on the women led community nutrition gardens in Hurungwe West Rural District - Mashonaland West! Enhancing climate change resilience, sustainable food security, improved quality of life and access to clean water for rural communities in Zimbabwe #WomenEmpowerment...
Training of Chiwundura Rural District AGRITEX Officers.

Training of Chiwundura Rural District AGRITEX Officers.

4-H Zimbabwe held a training of Chiwundura Rural District AGRITEX Officers ,in Midlands, Zimbabwe.  The training is to capacitate the officers so that they proceed to educate farmers from their respective wards on climate smart agriculture. The organization is aiming to ensure that Chiwundura women are empowered and their livelihoods...
The youth who are making an impact in the society

The youth who are making an impact in the society

BRIAN NDLOVU, a 22 year old from Matebeleland North is the founder of Sisonke Condom Champions (SCC). He is also a Peer educator impacting the youth in sexual and reproductive health related issues, distribution of Condoms in High density surbubs of Bulawayo and Lupane State University...
The power of empowering women

The power of empowering women

Empowerment allows women to exercise strategic control over their own lives and renegotiate their relationships with others.  ...
The number of violent cases is devastating…..

The number of violent cases is devastating…..

"The number of election violent cases are devastating and conflicts can be more complex and we as the youth at the receiving end of this bare the effects.All these challenges are testing our collective ability to respond effectively," said Cecillia Chimbiri #Youth4Peace  ...
The lack of women’s participation in commercial crop production.

The lack of women’s participation in commercial crop production.

p The lack of women’s participation in commercial crop production is often not a preference, but the result of limited access to inputs and markets.    ...
The importance our protected forestry towards climate change

The importance our protected forestry towards climate change

Protected areas that were set up to safeguard biodiversity and ecological processes are likely to be affected by climate change in a number of ways.These areas have been recognized for several decades as an essential tool for conserving biodiversity...
The importance of empowering women

The importance of empowering women

When girls go to school they tend to be healthier, to participate more in formal labour markets, to earn higher incomes, to have fewer children, to marry at a later age, and to provide better health care and education for their children. ...
The importance of agriculture to rural women.

The importance of agriculture to rural women.

When women have opportunities, the yields on their farms increase and also their incomes. Natural resources are better managed. Nutrition is improved. Livelihoods are more secured.  This is why rural women are key players in the effort to achieve all of the Sustainable Development Goals - especially SDG2, freeing the...
The future of Zimbabwean football under threat

The future of Zimbabwean football under threat

By Richard Zimunya For a sport that had suffered from the effects of Covid 19 which saw the beautiful game going to a halt for two years, the country’s suspension from the international football family by Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) was salt added to an open wound. This...
The Cabinet approved the Children’s Amendment Bill 2021.

The Cabinet approved the Children’s Amendment Bill 2021.

Cabinet approved the Children's Amendment Bill 2021.     The Bill - widens and criminalises instances of child abuse. -places an obligation on any professional person who becomes aware or suspects that a child is being abused, to report that person to Police.  -Criminalises parents or guardians who enable commission...
Talk about political inclusion

Talk about political inclusion

Political maturity and tolerance from Zanu PF and CCC members. Seeing the fruits of our Youth Peace building and tolerance programs that we are doing with the 3 main political parties in Zimbabwe.  ...
Student unions unite for peace at the University of Zimbabwe.

Student unions unite for peace at the University of Zimbabwe.

For the first time ever in the history of the University of Zimbabwe student affiliates of ZINASU and ZICOSU sat down in the same auditorium for a peace dialogue. Story by RICHARD ZIMUNYA (Fokus magazine) Thanks to 4-H Zimbabwe a non governmental organization working with tertiary institutions around the country...
Sports for mental health: Commemorating international day of Mental health.

Sports for mental health: Commemorating international day of Mental health.

Mental health is as much of a priority as physical health. Through sport and drug abuse awareness campaigns our aim is to ensure that young people are sober and mentally fit to participate in the democratic and developmental processes in Zimbabwe...
Sport as a tool for engagement

Sport as a tool for engagement

4-H Zimbabwe has throughout the years strived to use sport as a tool to educate young people from various backgrounds about the importance of peace, tolerance and social cohesion. Sport has proven to be a very effective measure to engage young people especially on developmental issues. Sport plays a big...